My Yoga Burn Review 12-Week Challenge — Read This In-Depth Review And See Why This Could Be The Best Yoga Weight-Loss Program You’ve Ever Tried

Try This 12-week Yoga Burn Challenge

It’s been more than 12 weeks since I decided to get started with Zoe Bray Cottons, Yoga Burn 12-week challenge.

I documented my experience with this program in this yoga burn review so I could share it with other people who’re interested to give this program a try.

Overall, I’m happy with the result I’ve achieved with this program — losing weight with these yoga poses has never felt like fun and easy as this.

However, although I really love this unique yoga workout program, I can’t say this is the perfect weight loss program for everyone. Yeah right. This program is NOT for everyone.

With that said, if you’re considering to buy the Yoga Burn 12-week challenge, you might want to consider reading my in-depth Yoga Burn review first before you get started…

Before We Continue With This Review Of Yoga Burn…First A Disclaimer:

This review is 100% based on my experience with this program. I’m not trying to praise or criticize the program. What you’ll read here is my opinion about this yoga burn 12-week program.

Your result will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your current physical condition, the time you invest in the program, and your experience with Yoga.

What Convinced Me To Try The Yoga
Burn 12-Week Challenge From Zoe Bray-Cotton?

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Yoga Burn For Health 2020.

“You should try the yoga burn 12-week program first. I promise it’s very unlike anything you’ve tried.”

That’s what Jean, my sister-in-law said when she tried to convince me to give this yoga burn program a try.

No, she’s not working for the company — It’s purely because she loves this unique yoga burn DVD workout program by Zoe Bray-Cotton, a well-known yoga instructor.

She knew that I was looking for a unique yoga weight-loss program that truly works.

Frankly, I wasn’t feeling excited to learn more about this Yoga Burn program.

You see, I’ve been following various weight loss methods such as Keto, HIIT, and even the traditional long cardio workout videos.

None of these weight-loss methods work for me.

So when I heard someone recommending this yoga burn program to me, you know it won’t be easy to convince me to invest my time in following the program.
That’s until I visited their official website:

And I suddenly feel interested as soon as I played the presentation video on its homepage.

Yoga Burn Is Dramatically Different From
Anything You’ve Ever Tried.

In fact, it’s the opposite of almost all the weight-loss programs available out there.

After reading this review you understand the reason why. Because it won’t take too much of your time to follow along with the yoga burn method. In just 45 minutes per week, you can progressively lose a few pounds from your body every single week.

Plus, it is very easy to follow — even for someone who never practiced Yoga before and isn’t used to the simple yoga poses.

You won’t learn any complicated yoga pose here. I can tell you that this unique program is created with a beginner in mind. So don’t worry. You can follow along with this yoga burn program with no problem.

And what I really liked the most about this unique yoga burn method is

It Solves The Two Biggest Reasons Why
You Always Failed In Losing Weight.

Before I learned about this program, I always wonder why nothing would work for me to lose weight even if it just were a few pounds. I thought why isn’t my body losing weight?

It turns out that, the more intense the exercise is… and the more stressed you are, the harder it’d be to lose your weight.

“How could that possible?” you might ask.

Have you ever heard about Cortisol?

Yes, that’s a stress hormone that increases your appetite and can cause cravings for sweet, high-fat, and salty foods… Plus causing some specific chemical changes that can lead to lower metabolism.

And here’s a cold fact for you who always wonder why cardio for the body never really work…

Research suggests that moderate to high-intensity exercise like cardio is the least effective way to reduce weight since it raises stress levels, especially for women. What’s more, it also consistently elevated cortisol level, making it virtually impossible for you to burn belly fat.

Now, let’s compare this to the Yoga Burn method. Let’s burn yoga, or was it the other way around? 😉

Anyway, unlike a traditional fitness program like Cardio and HIIT, it won’t make you feel tired and stressed since each yoga session is only about 15 minutes long, so it feels you can skip yoga classes (Well, to be honest, it doesn’t even feel like exercising at all and see results fast)

With that said, it won’t trigger your cortisol hormone, which means it won’t affect your body’s natural ability for losing weight.

That’s the first reason why I think it’s really worth trying despite I’ve failed many times with other programs before this.

It’s something new — and very different from the others.

Another problem this yoga burn 12-week challenge solves is this:

Most people, especially women follow exercises that are specifically created for men to build a thicker and more muscular core.

We’re talking about lifting weight, crunches, and many more traditional exercises.

So instead of making your body slimmer and thinner, it makes your body thicker than before.

While these exercises will work for burning fat, but it won’t take you closer to your goal, which I believe it’s getting a corset-like posture.

On the other hand, the Yoga Burn 12-week challenge is created specifically for women. According to the information I gathered from its website, this yoga method is created to help you…

Get a slimmer and thinner body

Eliminate belly fat permanently

Reduce your stress so you won’t always feel hungry while trying to lose weight.

Created with shorter and less intensive exercises, which is proven to work better for women’s metabolism.

Get a corset-like posture with just 15 minutes exercise — 3 days a week.

I don’t know about you, but if you’re reading this review… these two reasons alone are enough to convince me to give this unique yoga burn weight-loss program a try.

But maybe that’s not enough for you. So let’s dig deeper into this yoga burn review.

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More Details About Yoga Burn
12-Week Challenge…

Program Name: The Yoga Burn 12-Week Challenge


1. Designed specifically to help women achieve corset-like posture in the fastest time possible.

2. Created by Zoe Bray-Cotton one of the well known yoga practitioners, a well-known yoga instructor who really understands what she’s teaching to us.

3. Not just great to burn weight, but also comes with lots of benefits of practicing yoga such as reduce stress, improve flexibility, self-healing, and so much more!

4. It doesn’t require extra investment. You don’t need to buy special equipment, paying a gym membership, or flashy clothing. However, it requires you to make better grocery shopping choices and watch your calories.

5. There is an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee. So if for any reason, or no reason at all you’re not happy with the program, you can request a refund. This should give you peace of mind when you decide to invest in this yoga burn program.

6. Step-by-step instructions and Yoga pose tutorials, not like most fitness programs

7. There's no monthly subscription service or fee.

8. All Zoe Bray Cotton's her yoga secrets are revealed.

9. Your energy level, overall health and inner balance will go sky-high, without getting overwhelmed. These three benefits where most important for me.

10. There are a lot of women that follow this program. There's a special Facebook group and a Instagram account with 450k followers. So, you won't be doing this alone and become apart of a real community.

11. It will lower the symptoms of Anxiety, build confidence and induces relaxation. All this at the comfort of your own home. Again, these three wins were inriched my life.

12. You get most value and quality for less money

What’s Included In The Yoga Burn
12-Week Challenge?

When you order Yoga Burn 12-Week Challenge, you’ll get:

1. The Yoga core 12-week body shaping course— There are three phases you should complete in four weeks for each phase.

2. Bonus audio clips of each session that you can listen on-the-go.

3. Bonus videos that aim to enhance your overall experience with yoga as a practice.

This can be a physical product, like a yoga burn DVD’s with all the yoga workouts, or it can be a digital product.

Anyway, the way the yoga program works is called ‘Dynamic Sequencing Yoga’, which means it starts from the easiest phase, and continue for the more advanced one when you’re ready.

A lot of people that follow this yoga burn method like the order of the phases.

The yoga core program is broken down into three phases:

1. Foundational Flow

2. Transitional Flow

3. Mastery Flow.

Each of these phases is accompanied by four videos you can watch on your computer, tablet, or phone.

But if you’re just like me and can’t wait to lose that few extra pounds. Just click on the button below and enter the beautiful world of Yoga…

Start With Slimming Your Body!

Phase 1

Foundational Flow

This phase is called the foundational flow because that is exactly what we will be building: A solid Yoga Foundation. The first four weeks are designed to teach you the foundation of a strong yoga practice and of course, start to shape long, lean muscles while having fun! Both beginners and advanced yoga students can and will benefit from this unique set of sequences. You will learn how to execute proper form and build a strong “mind-body” connection so you can call on the muscles you need once we move into the more challenging videos. This initial foundation is the key to progressing through the next two phases safely and effectively.

Phase 2

Transitional Flow

Phase 2 is dedicated to teaching you how to combine the moves we’ve learned in Phase 1 into a smooth flow that will allow you to burn more calories and get that heart rate up! By now you will be more comfortable with our basic moves, so let’s mix it up and keep your body guessing to force it to adapt and change for the better!! Each video in this phase focuses on large muscles groups. The 3 workout videos are: Upper body, Lower Body, and Core. We will work on our transitions from one pose to the next. Learning how to link poses together feels really good, and allows you to focus on the present moment rather than giving the mind time to wander…it’s like a moving meditation!

Phase 3

Mastery Flow

Get ready to kick it up a notch ladies! It’s time to combine all that we have learned from the past 2 Phases into a scorching hot sequence designed to fire up your metabolism and transform your body in ways you may have never imagined possible with yoga!

The layout of each video is slightly different than the previous videos. There is more repetition of each pose to really encourage the desired muscle to fatigue. Also, you will be guided through a combination of upper and lower body compound movements. These are designed to get the most done in the shortest amount of time, and the muscles we are going to target will help give your body that attractive hourglass shape.

Phase 3 is designed to spice things up, reenergize and reinvigorate your mental focus while fully maximizing your weight loss results.

Yoga Burn Product You Need : Here !


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