Reading Head Start Reviews- Does This Program Really Let Your Child Learn To Read In Their Early Age?


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Miami, Florida, United States, June 5 2020 (Wiredrelease) Health Spotlight If youre a parent with an infant, chances are that youve already probably started worrying about their education. 

While its true that theres still a couple of years before your child starts school, its usually considered a better idea to teach them to start reading early. This ensures that, once school starts, they dont face the difficulties that some children do at earlier years of education.

It sounds like a great idea, except that theres one major catch. Not every child is as eager to start reading, which might hinder their future academic performance. This very thought gives parents nightmares. However, their worries might end soon as now we have Reading Head Start to help them with that very problem.

What is Reading Head Start and Why do you need it?

As the very name suggests, Reading Head Start is here to let your child develop the habit of starting reading early so that they stay ahead in the future. It gives them the head start that they need in order to start reading.

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Reading Head Start is not a product thatll ship the relevant guides or resources at your doorstep, instead, its an online subscription service that you can pay for to get access to various online resources that can help your child learn a lot.

These resources are claimed to be incredibly intuitive and, if done regularly, will help your child learn a lot before even going to school. The curriculum is carefully planned by an English teacher and mother of two, Sarah Shepard, who also happens to be the creator and owner of Reading Head Start.

As far as why you need it is concerned, we can all start with agreeing on the fact that the current curriculum that they teach in schools isnt exactly up to the mark. What children are being taught is not only outdated but also unintuitive, which makes it harder for the kids to develop an interest in what theyre being taught.

Education is important for any human and can somewhat ensure that they turn out to be sane and rational when they grow up. It is, therefore, necessary to make sure that your child learns early and the best way to ensure that is by fun and interesting methods that Reading Head Start specifically offers.

How does Reading Head Start work?

As mentioned earlier, Reading Head Start is an online subscription service. This means that you have to pay in order to access the resources that will help your child learn. The payment can be made monthly, yearly, or just once for lifetime access and you can choose based on your usage.

Reading Head Start claims that all your child needs are to spend 15 minutes a day and 3 days a week in order to be at the right place to learn. Since it is an online program, it can be accessed through your personal computer, tablet, and even smartphone, adding to the accessibility.

As far as the content is concerned, there is a massive array of worksheets and exercises that are not only informative but also intuitive and fun, which makes the learning process something that kids can enjoy rather than consider it a burden.

The content is divided into four levels, each with different difficulty. Your kids can start from the bottom and can work their way up, gaining knowledge while doing so. Completion of each level will result in a Reading Head Start Certification for each level, which will definitely keep them motivated to learn more.

The total progression of this program is 40 weeks, which is a little over 9 months. So the perfect time to start would be approximately a year before your child starts school. 15 minutes a day for 3 days a week is all it has to take for all that learning.

What do you get with Reading Head Start?

Reading Head Start is completely online, which means you wont be getting anything physical like actual books shipped out to you. You have to pay for it online and youll get access to a portal where various learning resources will be available.

Speaking of resources, they are vast and plentiful. Reading Head Start has ensured that things dont get monotonous by offering a variety of resources. They include:

Picture Cards

Letter Cards

Letter Formation

Sounding Out Cards

Irregular Word Cards

Advanced Phonics Cards




Such a wide variety of resources is necessary to keep things interesting rather than use a few. Kids tend to get bored easily. This will keep the learning process fresh and interesting for a longer period of time.

Pros of Reading Head Start

There are a lot of things that make Reading Head Start totally worth it. Some of those pros are as follows:

Reading Head Start is incredibly intuitive and easy to use, which means those of you who have problems with complex web pages wont have any issue using this.

Reading is the fundamental activity behind learning and there are lots of activities that will make your child take an interest in reading.

The method that Reading Head Start uses is time tested to be effective and has various success stories that back it up.

The prices low enough to ensure that the majority of people can find it affordable, just like education should be for everyone.

The learning process can boost your childs confidence and self-esteem, which will be helpful in life.

Starting early on can ensure future success in schools.

Cons of Reading Head Start

Just like everything else, Reading Head Start isnt perfect, which means it comes with disadvantages that go against it. Fortunately, however, there arent much and they are:

The program being online only is a double-edged sword and its demerit is that you wont be able to access it without an electronic device and internet.

Spending 9 months on an online program is a long time and requires a lot of patience and commitment in order to stay on board.

How much Does Reading Head Start cost and is it worth it?

Reading Head Start has 3 main packages. They are Monthly Plan, 1 Year Plan, and Lifetime plan and their prices are $37, $297, and $597 respectively. Now, contrary to whats mentioned in one of the Pros, this isnt exactly cheap. However, that isnt everything as theres also a discount.

The discount is limited time, which means youll have to hurry up if you want to avail of it. Unfortunately, the discount doesnt apply to the Monthly Play but the 1 Year Plan and Lifetime Plan are $197 and $297 respectively after the discount. This dramatically changes things for them especially the yearly package as it offers the best value and is the most logical to go for since the program is for 9 months.

The Monthly Plan isnt to be ignored, however, as you can choose to have a 3 day Trial Period for just $1 before the monthly billing starts. This is a great way to try it out before actually spending your money though I wouldve preferred if the trial period was free. If youre worried that youll be wasting your money on this, then theres a 1-year money-back guarantee on all packages, which will give you peace of mind.

Considering all of this, Reading Head Start is definitely worth it and beneficial for you and your child. The yearly package is both cheap and is enough to make sure your child gains proper knowledge before starting school. If youre a parent and have developed an interest in this program, visit its website to learn more.


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